Love Story 2017

A girl is deeply in love with a boy, 

The boy is aware of it,He thinks the girl is always negative in her thoughts and full of negativity. 

Reason-The girl waits every weekend to make plans with the boy, she also manages, makes herself free and available for her friends, colleagues at the same time. She always thinks something or the other to make other people happy but end up in loneliness and tears.

The boy thinks she doesn't have any life and asks her always to make plans for other people other than him. The girl loves him so much that she always thinks about the boy and how to make him happy but rather ends up in tears thinking that she is full of negativity and should stay in her limits of loving him so much. She asks for nothing but the time for her. The boy is a free soul and wants to live his life on his own terms and so as the girl. The only difference is that she wants to live her happening life with the boy.

The boy tries to keep the girl always happy but fails in indicating the negativity reason in her. The girl lives far away from her family and after marriage too she will be doing so. What happens when a boy is asked to live without his parents and instead live with his wife and not keep his parents with him..? Does she need to decide now to take the responsibility on herself to care for her own life and to keep herself happy..?
When the fight begins, the boy decides the endings... a decision to end the call, not talk to each other for hours or even end the relationship rather coming to a perfect solution. The reason is that the boy is a free soul and live his life on his own terms.

Many questions have been raised here. What will be your opinion in all these questions..???

Share your comments below.


  1. If it is love between the two, there are no conditions. No distractions. Nothing is larger than the feeling for one another. When small things cause turbulence in a relationship, it is not love. It could be attachment but not love. Every person in my opinion is a free soul. The only reason people make sacrifices without noticing or making a mention of, is because of their love. The girl should move on. Nothing is lost if this is lost. Cheers!


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